Easter is when baby chicks, ducks, and bunnies often take center stage. So, gifting a real live bunny can seem like a good idea in the moment's excitement. But here's why there may be better ideas than this.
1). Bunny can live upwards of 10 years. That's TEN YEARS! While that's great news for Bunny, it will mean long-term care and often costly medical bills for you. Bunny will require a long-term commitment on your part. Longer than most boyfriends, girlfriends, and some spouses.
- 2). Bunny will multiply. Bunnies love other bunnies. We're talking loves other bunnies. So unless you have just one or have them spayed or neutered as soon as medically possible, you'll have lots of soft furry creatures hopping around, as in a bunny farm. Stop. Imagine. Bunny Farm. Moving right along...
- 3). Bunny loves to chew. Electrical cords, shoes, carpet, furniture, blankets, toys, games, even Great Aunt Edna's Chippendale antique secretary! Bunny can't tell the difference, nor does Bunny care what that difference is. He's a bunny! Why would he care?
- 4). Bunny eats actual bunny food - when Bunny is not attempting to eat everything else. The food should contain unlimited amounts of fresh hay, grass, pellets (in moderation), fresh vegetables and fruit, and lots of fresh water.
- 5). Bunny will make tracks. As in, what goes in must come out. Although you may be able to train Bunny to use a litter box, it will require time, patience, and more commitment on your part, and you should know - it's not always foolproof. It may not take with every bunny, because every bunny is different.
More Facts:
Bunnies are fragile animals that require a lot of attention. They're often frightened by loud noises and need much quiet time. A noisy or excited child may unintentionally make a bunny anxious, causing it to bite.
Continuous care for your Bunny would include brushing, nail clipping, potty training, and bunny-proofing your home.
Sad Facts:
Bunnies acquired at Easter are sometimes let go in the wild as it's often thought to be a more humane approach than returning them to a pet store or shelter, where they will most likely end up euthanized. Be aware, however, that these bunnies are domesticated animals and will probably not live to see their first birthday if let loose in the wild.
Please think it through before purchasing or obtaining a real live bunny this Easter. To learn more on the subject of bunnies, visit House Rabbit Society.